
Construction Management - Dipl.-Ing. E. Stephan

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• HOAI §31

(1) Achievements of the Steering of the project are brought by contractors, if they take over functions of the client with the control of projects in several specialist areas. To it belong:

  1. Clarifying the setting of tasks, preparation and coordination of the program for the overall project,
  2. Clarifying the conditions for the assignment of planners and others at the planning process involved parties (project participants),
  3. List and monitoring of organization, time and payments plans, related to project and project participants,
  4. Coordination and control of the project participants, with exception of the exicuting companies,
  5. Preparation and support of the participating planning team,
  6. Updating of the planning objectives and clarifying of conflicting aims,
  7. current information of the client about the project completion and punctual causing of decisions of the client,
  8. Coordination and control of the treatment of financing, promotion and licensing procedures.

Project stages

The achievements of the project manager are brought in 5 project stages:

Project stage Valuation
1 Project preparation (project development, strategic planning, basic determination) 26 %
2 Planning (pre, draft and permit planning) 21 %
3 Preparation of execution (execution planning, preparing the assignment and the participation in the assignment) 19 %
4 Execution (project supervision) 26 %
5 Project conclusion (project support, documentation)   8 %

Action ranges

Within the project stages the following action ranges are differentiated, where the project steerer will act:

  1. Organization, information, co-ordination and documentation
  2. Qualities and quantities
  3. Costs and
  4. Dates


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