
Construction Management - Dipl.-Ing. E. Stephan

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Who we are:

Dipl.-Ing. Eberhard Stephan worked as a coworker of a supraregional well-known office for building project management on the edge of Munich many years successfully as a project manager and offers now his extensive experiences in the building management as a freelance civil engineer.

We see ourselves despite the "One Man Office" as a service enterprise for consultation and management in the building industry. We have more than 30 years professional experience in the area of the building industry, thereof over 12 years in the project management.






What we are doing:

We cover a wide range in the building industry, from the classical tasks of the project management (among other things project development, steering of the project, project controlling) over contract / guarantee management and consulting tasks up to the technical Due Diligence. And this also abroad. More under Scope of Functions.  



Associated Office:

  If it goes more into the range of topics as e.g. "expertise for damage to buildings etc." , then we co-operate with the office Ehrmann, Schulz Partnership - Building Expert -, who can likewise cover a large specialized spectrum in the building industry with its coworkers.




Job handling:

We act in the case of order depending upon requirement either independently as or co-operate closely with a partnership office like e.g.  

Management in Civil Construction  - 
Dipl.-Ing. E. Stephan

Lagerhausstr. 5
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Tel.    +49 8821 7300221
Fax.   +49 8821 7300233
Mail    eberhard(at)


  Ehrmann, Schulz Partnership - Building Expert  -  in Cooperation with Bau-Sach-Verstand e.V.
Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Str. 7
85591 Vaterstetten (near Munich)
Tel.    +49 8106 379140
Fax.   +49 8106 379149













With larger and/or time-critical setting of tasks we can fall back also fast to further free coworkers.



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