
Construction Management - Dipl.-Ing. E. Stephan

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Scope of Functions

In the first place stands - as a determining component of our performance apart from the naturally important technical qualification above all the customer orientated and customer-friendly support - thus the SERVICE!

Our Service  




We analyzed the many conceptualnesses, present at the market, for the different achievements in the building management and  divided them into following main groups. Depending upon requirement we know to submit you as desired an offer to the complete, individual or combined achievements from the packages - supported by a detailed performance specification. You can order an offer by mail function.

Consulting Advisory activities approximately around the real estate, is it purchasing a plot, a condominium or a house, is it dealing with trade objects or in structural questions ...



Project Development
Project development is in the real estate industry the analysis of different phases from the conception to the production of (usually) larger projects  




Project Management
Project management is the whole of executive functions, - organization, - techniques and - instruments for the completion (usually) of a larger project  





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